Livacox Q ®

1 ml of LIVACOX® Q contains 30,000-50,000 oocysts of each attenuated lines of Eimeria tenella, E. acervulina, E. maxima and 10,000 oocysts of E. necatrix in 1% w/v water solution of chloramine B.
This quadrivalent attenuated vaccine provides life-long immunity in domestic poultry. Immunity develops 10-14 days after vaccination takes place.
Vaccination Program:
- This vaccine is to be given to chickens between 1 to 10 days of age.
- 10 ml of the vaccine should be diluted in 10 L of water, which will vaccinate 1000 chicks.
- Vaccine Reaction: Poor vaccination technique can make the head or neck region of the chick swell up.
This vaccine is to be administered via drinking water only. Ensure that the water used to dilute it, is cold drinking water only
Pack Size and Storage:
The vaccine comes in 10 ml and 50 ml polyethylene screw cap bottles. Cardboard boxes containing 10 bottles in each size are available. Store the vaccine between 2°C and 8°C; do not freeze it.